Sheila Isham American, b. 1927

"Before starting, it's like the eye of the storm: it's quiet but there's some kind of momentary feeling of almost exploding inside, like it needs to come out.  And I think that's really why-at least for me-that's why I paint." - Sheila Isham

Sheila Isham, an American abstract painter born in 1927, led a life of exploration, living and traveling with her diplomat husband across various countries, which significantly influenced her artwork. Over her five-decade career, Isham explored painting, lithography, book arts, and collage, driven by her enduring fascination with philosophy and nature. Her artistic journey included studying German Abstract Expressionists in Berlin, immersing herself in Russian avant-garde art in Moscow, and mastering Chinese calligraphy in Hong Kong. Her works skillfully combined airbrush techniques, chance procedures, and Eastern inspirations, resulting in dreamlike abstractions. Praised for their mystical quality and profound spirituality, Isham's works are held in major museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, National Gallery of Art, Yale University Art Gallery, Baltimore Museum of Art, Walker Art Center, and the Library of Congress, among others.