Bill Scott American, b. 1956

Bill Scott's artwork exudes radiance, achieved through delicate paint applications and refined techniques he has perfected over the years. This luminosity is evident in both his paintings and works on paper as his art continues to evolve. Scott masterfully combines opacity and transparency, using blocks of color layered with linear forms, often scraping away paint or applying thin layers to create collage-like compositions. His prints exemplify this quality, with shallow surfaces that appear as distinct components layered together. In collaboration with master printer Cindi Royce Ettinger, Scott creates color etchings inspired by elements from his large-scale oil paintings in the printmaking studio.

As an expert colorist, Scott draws inspiration from nature and his imagination, blurring the boundaries between abstraction and representation. His canvases overflow with lush depictions of flora and fauna, yet he avoids direct copying from nature. Instead, each painting offers a window to an idealized garden or a fleeting feeling associated with the passing of seasons. Scott's art is associative, with titles hinting at but not fully defining their sources of inspiration.

In his recent paintings, a notable shift in style is evident. While color remains central to his art, there's a return to a darker ground, showcasing a mature soulfulness and complexity in their uplifting tones. Early influences from painters Jane Piper and Joan Mitchell, alongside his formal education at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, have shaped his artistic journey.

Throughout his career, Scott's work has been exhibited extensively in prestigious museums and collected by major institutions like the Cleveland Museum of Art, Delaware Art Museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute Museum of Art, and Woodmere Art Museum. In recognition of his artistic achievements, he was awarded the Distinguished Alumni award from the Pennsylvania Academy in 2006. Currently residing in Philadelphia, Bill Scott continues to create captivating and evocative artwork.